
These articles vary in content.

About Puja An interview with Swami Chetanananda, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order while at the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach California.

On Prana  by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda

Ritual Success  by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda

When Kali Comes to Call  by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda

Sensory Awakening Ritual  by Crystal Dawn Morris

Be a Masterful Lover  Give your Goddess 3 Gifts  by Crystal Dawn Morris

Alabama: 19th Century too Risque  by Dr. Marty Klein

When "Self-Help" is Part of the Problem  by Dr. Marty Klein

The Secret Lives of Prostitute Moms  by Tracy Quan

Insights into Sex and Spirituality  by Deepak Chopra

Are we Gods and Goddesses? by Michael Mirdad

In Defence of Desire By Buddhist psychotherapist Mark Epstein

The Broken Goddess An interesting article on Akhilandeshvari  

Article on Cecearian Births  I added this one because it's related as to how our society looks at motherhood.  Just some good food for thought. Especially if you have a woman in your life who's a mother to be or wants kids or has had kids.  You get my point?

Re-wiring the Sacred Circuits  a blog article by Katrina Rivers

Ancient Tantra is an interesting read.  Rings true (of course anything is true till disproven) and sounds like other things I've read in terms of Tantra culturally coming from Western Africa...Check it out!

Tantra Kundalini is another site for good reading.  I especially like the visual for connecting parts of the SriYantra with the chakras..

Scrolls of Mahendranath here's some fine reading for you if you're interested in the eastern pracitces.. a fascinating man and website..

Overcoming a Sexless relationship  An article well worth reading.  Elementary yet profound if you've ever been in this place. Jayia, the author says about 85% of her practice comes from couples experiencing this..  This is a big issue for a lot of people..

Let's Talk About Sex Abuse  An article about how to protect your child from abuse by being better informed.  I'm not happy with the way I've described the article, but know it's worth reading.

Slut shaming  a new article to read about child rearing and sexual values.

Sex Worker or Therapist? This article was censored by Psychology Today and never appeared online. Now it was published in Psychology Tomorrow instead.



hese are books that I've enjoyed. Some are out of print. Some have authors with more than one book worth reading. Sorry, no links here, just titles and authors that I recommend on the subject of Tantra.

She Comes First by Ian Kerner Ph.D.

Dont Drink the Punch  A great novel by Kamala Devi.

Aghora: At the Left Hand of God by Robert E. Svoboda.  This is part of a trilogy.

Secret Garden  Books and more by Kenneth Ray Stubbs. 

Kali's Odhiya  by Amaranda Bhairavan.

The Essence of Tantric Sexuality by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson.

The Tantric Way: Art, Science, Ritual  by Ajit Mookerjee and Madhu Khanna

Tantra: the Art of Conscious Loving by Charles and Caroline Muir

This should get you started. There are many, many authors with wonderful books on Tantra. These are simply a sampling.



Bhagavan Das  My favorite for Kirtan msic, Bhagavan Das has some increadible CDs.  Just check it out!

David Newman Music David Newman has some very beautiful and spiritually oriented music.  You can listen to him on his website.  We use some of his music in our classes.  We also like his soon to be wife, Mira, who has her own CD out.  I like her folk songs that are interspersed with the chants.

Kalidas Music  Kalidas has some nice sounds and interesting chants.  Some CDs are like remakes of others but different.  There's some U-Tube stuff on him too now.  It's nice to hear a variety of Kali chants too.

Raphael and Kutira have lovely music as well. Especially for Tantra and meditation. 

If you enjoy Kirtan music and are in Chicago, Yoga Now has monthly events including Kirtans from local and visiting artists.



A Tantric Dictionary or glossary of terms for you to peruse has had multiple donors of words and their definitions. Some of these words and/or definitions have gotten away from me during the editing. Sometimes you'll see something missing, confusing or just plain wrong. Well, there's always an opportunity for growth and rewriting. In breath and heart!